Бутонна алкална батерия GP164 LR-621/ 10бр./pack цена за 1 бр./ 1.55V AG1 GP
Код: 20221
Бутонна алкална батерия GP177 LR-626/ 10 бр./pack цена за 1 бр./ AG4 1.55V GP
Код: 20222
Бутонна алкална батерия GP186 AG12 LR-43/ 10 бр./pack цена за 1 бр./ 1.55V GP
Код: 20223
Бутонна алкална батерия GP189 LR-1130 1.55V GP
Код: 20224
Бутонна алкална батерия GP192 LR-41 - 1.55V AG3 - цена за 1 бр.
Код: 20225
Бутонна алкална батерия GPА76 LR-44/ 10 бр./pack цена за 1 бр./ 1.55V GP
Код: 20238
Цинк карбонова батерия GP R6 PEAKPOWER PP-S2 /2 бр. в опаковка/ shrink 1.5V
Код: 20623
Цинк карбонова батерия GP R6 SUPERCELL 15PL-S2 /2 бр. в опаковка/ shrink 1.5V
Код: 20619
Цинк карбонова батерия GP SUPERCELL R03, AAA, 2 бр. shrink, 1.5V
Код: 25883
Цинк карбонова батерия GP GREENCELL R03, AAA, 2 бр. shrink, 1.5V
Код: 48280
Цинк карбонова батерия GP R6 GREENCELL 15G-S2 /2 бр. в опаковка/ shrink 1.5V
Код: 59475
Алкална батерия 12 V /ИНДУСТРИАЛНИ 1 бр. BULK/ А23 GP
Код: 20226
GP Batteries
GP Batteries International Limited is principally engaged in the development, manufacture and marketing of batteries and battery-related products. Since its establishment under Gold Peak Group in Hong Kong, GP Batteries has rapidly expanded to become one of the world's major suppliers of primary and rechargeable batteries. It is one of the largest consumer battery manufacturers in China. It supplies an extensive range of battery products to original equipment manufacturers, leading battery companies as well as consumer retail markets under its own GP brand name.
GP Batteries' production facilities are located in China, Vietnam and Malaysia, supported by marketing and trading offices spanning across Asia, Europe and North America. The Group currently employs about 6,000 people worldwide and occupies a total floor area of approximately 260,000 square metres.